About Us
The writing center is a peer tutoring space designed to equip students with the reading and writing support necessary to strengthen their academic performance, build their confidence, and foster a growth mindset. Our client-driven sessions are designed to empower students and create greater equity both in and out of the classroom.
The writing center is staffed by peer tutors who have undergone an application, interview, and training process. They embody true leadership skills and are motivated by a desire to support their peers. Not only are they dedicated to the success of their clients, but they are also dedicated to the success of every student in Baltimore City. They demonstrate that dedication by volunteering in the community and presenting their equity work at local conferences.
Since opening, the writing center has received incredible school and student support leading to measurable improvements in student attendance, GPAs, and graduation rates. To date, we have provided over 10,000 tutoring sessions and are now working towards growing peer tutoring programs locally and nationally. To that end, we hosted our first annual citywide peer tutoring conference in 2018. We invited teachers, administrators, and students from all over the school district to learn about our work while providing the training needed to open their own peer tutoring programs. We also offer a professional learning community or PLC for educators interested in receiving one on one peer tutoring support. Ultimately, our aim is to give all Baltimore City students the opportunity to succeed at the highest levels while preparing them not only for college but for the professional world beyond.
If you have any questions about our work or if you are interested in starting your own peer tutoring program, please feel free to contact me at ltashjian@bcps.k12.md.us.
Lena Tashjian
BCC Writing Center
Founder and Director